Finally Passed the CompTIA A+ 220-901 Exam!
Just took my CompTIA A+ 220-901 exam and passed 220-901 exam few days ago! I am glad to share my 220-901 exam experience!
I got 90 questions in total, completed the exam with 85 minutes, and passed with 855/900 marks (p.s. the passing score is 675/900 now)
The CompTIA A+ 220-901 exam covers PC hardware and peripherals, mobile device hardware, networking and troubleshooting hardware and network connectivity issues. I dare to say that 75% of the exam objectives are identical to the previous 220-801 exam! Objectives like Rambus, CRTs, and Windows XP have been removed and Windows 8, Mac OS, Linux, and Windows Phone are available in the new 220-901 exam. And, the following is the detail of the exam change (FYI):
1. Hardware — 34%
The Hardware Objective is 90%+ same as the 220-801 exam, except for minor technology updates. For instance, the UEFI appear in the new 220-901 exam and the AGP has been removed, which appear in the 220-801 exam. Also, the most important change is the inclusion of printers into Hardware. In the old 220-801 exam, printers was in their own domain. But be careful, there are more printer objectives in the new 220-901 exam with the inclusion of virtual printers to the traditional laser, inkjet, thermal, and impact than the 220-801 exam!
2. Networking — 21%
The part of Networking Objective on the new 220-901 exam has changed a bit to emphasize networking from the perspective of the client computer. The objectives associated with TCP/IP still include topics such as IPv4, IPv6 and the use of subnet masks, but the IP classes has been removed from the old 220-801 exam. Also, the old technologies like Wi-MAX have been removed and the new technologies like 802.11ac have been added into the new 220-901 exam. And, what’s more, concept of network “topologies”, such as mesh, ring, and bus, have been removed.
3. Mobile Devices — 17%
The Mobile Devices Objective, which was formerly named “Laptops Objective”, now includes laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. The new technologies of Mobile Devices have been added into the new 220-901 exam, for example, the removal of PCMCIA and the addition of USB adapters, etc.
4. Hardware and Network Troubleshooting — 28%
The Hardware and Network Troubleshooting, which is the biggest change to both the 220-901 and the 220-902 exams. Hardware and Network Troubleshooting in the new 220-901 exam effectively removes the large overlap from the 220-801 exam, which is the good news to those who want to focus on a single exam before moving to the next. One significant change is the “commands”, in the old 220-801 exam, it did not have any commands, but, the new 200-901 exam, it has both hardware troubleshooting and networking commands, then, you should pay more attention to it!
I suggest you to learn the CompTIA A+ 220-901 official study guide deeply, and practice the new 220-901 exam dumps again and again.
p.s. I used PassLeader 220-901 exam dumps for practicing, it offer both VCE and PDF dumps, here it is:, which helped a lot, recommend!
And, some free 220-901 practice test/NEW 220-901 exam questions are available on Google Drive here:
Good Luck To You!